English Bulldog Breed English bulldog behavior issues - 3 signs your bully has a problem!

English bulldog behavior issues – 3 signs your bully has a problem!

English bulldog behavior issues are not as common or serious as in some other breeds, but there are still some signs that you might have a feisty pup! Here is everything you should know about bulldog behavior and how to manage it in the right way!

English Bulldogs, like any breed, can experience behavior issues that may pose challenges for their owners. Understanding and addressing these attitude quirks is crucial for providing a happy and well-adjusted life for English Bulldogs.

Sings that English Bulldogs have behavior problems

If you’re wondering how to spot behavior problems in your English Bulldog, we have made a short list of signs that will enlighten you! 

One of the first and most common signs is barking. Sure, all dogs bark, but if your English Bulldog seems to be in constant conversation with the entire neighborhood, it might indicate an underlying behavioral issue. 

Another red flag for English bulldog behavior issues is showing strong resistance to other dogs or humans. While Bulldogs can have a naturally protective nature, showing persistent growling or even biting can be cause for concern and worry.

If your Bulldog becomes too anxious when left alone and displays destructive behaviors like chewing everything in sight or creating a mess in the house, it’s important to address this issue before it gets worse. 

These English bulldog characteristics can be hard to deal with, but on the other hand, they show that there is a problem and that you should deal with it! Luckily, there are solutions for bulldog’s bad behaviors, so stay tuned and keep reading to find out!

Most common Bulldog behavior issues

Here are some common behavioral problems you may notice with your Bulldog:

Aggression and Dominance

English Bulldog Breed English bulldog behavior issues - 3 signs your bully has a problem!

Despite their friendly and gentle nature and laid-back bulldog temperament, they can sometimes display signs of aggression or dominance. This can manifest in behaviors such as growling, snapping, or even biting. You may even catch yourself wondering why is my bulldog growling at me, but be sure that there is some deeper problem involved! Bulldogs can show aggression if they are in pain, have health issues if they don’t have proper training and socialization, or are just neglected. In any of these cases, the best way to manage aggression or dominance problems with your British bulldog is to visit your vet and then start proper behavior training!

Bulldog behavior issues toward other dogs or people

English Bulldog Breed English bulldog behavior issues - 3 signs your bully has a problem!

Sometimes, English bulldogs can become very negatively oriented toward other people or pets. They are, by nature, loyal and territorial, but in some cases, bullies can become aggressive and attack other family members or pets in the park or during walks. Bad biting habits are quite common among dogs, and even some smaller breeds can be just as faisty! For example, dachshunds are prone to biting problems and can be pretty serious about it! The underlying problem is in bad socialization or, better said, in lack of training and socialization. It’s very important to start with training and socialization in bulldogs at a young age, when they are puppies, especially if you are planning to introduce them to children. 

English bulldogs are known for loving nature and affection for children, other dogs, or even cats and small pets. Still, it is for the best to train them and teach them to love and accept others since they are just pups! The situations of this kind of English bulldog behavior issues in which a bulldog attacks a child or another dog are very rare but not impossible, so make sure to teach them good behavior on time and prevent problems!

Separation Anxiety

English Bulldog Breed English bulldog behavior issues - 3 signs your bully has a problem!

English Bulldogs are known for their love of human friendship and affection! This can sometimes lead to separation anxiety when left alone, and oh boy, do they have a way to show it! Signs of separation anxiety may include: 

  • excessive barking, 
  • destructive behavior,
  • chewing everything they get their teeth on,
  • Forgetting where their poty place is and “doing their business” anywhere in the house,
  • Whining and moaning when alone or in company

Separation anxiety can be quite hard to handle, but with some proper training and gradual desensitization, it can be managed! Gradual Desensitization is a process in which you “dose up” the stimulants and emotions that they cause. In this way your bulldog will have enough time to process and accept them. 

For bad chewing habits that can cause damage to furniture, shoes, and anything else they can sink their teeth into, you may consider chewing toys! That can be a helpful way to distract them and give them time to understand that toys are okay for biting, but furniture is not!

English Bulldog Excessive Barking

Bulldogs can have quite a strong voice, but they are not known for using it very often! While occasional barking is normal, excessive barking can become a real problem! Reasons for excessive barking can be boredom, lack of affection, anxiety, or even a bad diet! If you notice that your bulldog is barking practically non-stop, you should visit your vet. After the physical causes are examined, you should start with training. If you are not sure about training methods, you can always seek help from professionals!

Stubbornness and Difficulty in Training

English Bulldog Breed English bulldog behavior issues - 3 signs your bully has a problem!

English Bulldogs have a reputation for being stubborn, which can make training a bit of a challenge. They are also known for their love for naps and their comfy dog beds, so training and exercise may not sound appealing to these pups! So, if you are wondering if English bulldogs are hard to train, you should know that they have their own agenda and may need a little extra patience and creativity to motivate them. But consistency and positive reinforcement techniques are key to overcoming their stubborn streak and turning them into the exercise machine that loves their training sessions!

Female English Bulldog behavior issues

Female English bulldogs can sometimes exhibit behavioral issues due to their unique characteristics, but those issues do not differ from male bulldogs when they are acting out. 

One common issue is stubbornness, as they are known for being a bit headstrong. This can make training a challenge and may require consistency and patience from the owner. Another problem may occur since female English bulldogs have a tendency to be possessive over their owners or items! They can show protective behavior that can escalate into aggression if you dismiss it. One more behavioral trait seen in female bulldogs is their sensitive nature. They can become easily stressed or anxious in certain situations, just like their male companions. 

Overall, with proper training, socialization, and some patience, female English bulldogs can be great furry friends just like male ones!

How to prevent behavioral problems in Bulldogs?

English Bulldog Breed English bulldog behavior issues - 3 signs your bully has a problem!

To keep your Bulldog’s behavior in check, make sure they receive adequate physical exercise and mental stimulation. Bulldogs may not be marathon runners, but regular walks, playtime, and puzzle toys can keep them mentally and physically engaged! This type of activities can prevent boredom-related behavior problems! 

The next step in preventing your Bullie pup from turning out bad is to establish clear rules and boundaries from an early age!  Using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and rewards is a good first step in training. Bulldogs respond well to gentle and patient training methods. 

Maintaining your Bulldog’s overall health is crucial for their behavior. That is why you should consider making this a regular routine to prevent bad behavior! Provide them with a balanced diet, regular grooming, and keep up with their veterinary appointments. Regular check-ups allow for early detection and treatment of any potential health issues that might impact their behavior. 


In conclusion, while English Bulldogs may have their fair share of behavior issues, it is essential to approach these challenges with patience, understanding, and the right techniques.

 With consistent effort and a commitment to their well-being, you can build a strong and loving bond with your English Bulldog, ensuring a lifetime of happiness and companionship.

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